
Romans 3:9-20 | We're All In Trouble

Paul has been arguing since chapter 1 of Romans, that the curse of sin affects all of us both Jew and Gentile. In chapter 3, Paul gets to the crux of his argument and that is this— it’s not just that some people are especially bad and in need of God’s saving grace. It’s that ALL of us are especially bad and in need of God’s grace. Everyone of us, every human being that has ever lived, apart from Christ, are desperately sinful and in need of God’s saving grace. Everyone, both Jew and Gentile, is under the power of sin and thus deserving of God's righteous wrath. As John Calvin explains, "To be under sin means that we are justly condemned as sinners before God, or that we are held under the curse which is due to sin; for as righteousness brings with it absolution, so sin is followed by condemnation.” Before we can start heading up, we first need to hit rock bottom, and this is it. We are utterly without hope and in need of God’s help! Join us Sunday as we continue our study in letter to the Romans and see the glorious doctrine of God’s salvation.

Worship Setlist

  • Glorious Day

  • This is Our God

  • Goodness of God

  • His Mercy is More


Romans 3:21-31 | Saved from God by God


Romans 3:1-8 | God’s Righteousness Upheld