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SUN | 9:15am & 11:00am


52101 Gratiot Ave.,
Chesterfield, MI 4805


Men’s Pancake Breakfast

Saturday | July 27 | 9am-11am

Men, please join us for a pancake breakfast! At this breakfast, we’ll be focusing on passing on our faith to the next generation and raising Godly men. Invite any young men in your lives to join us. We’ll have good food, a teaching time, and some great interactive ways to connect. Come and hang out with some other Christian men and have a good breakfast! Doors open at 9 AM and we should wrap up by about 11 AM. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Our Dedication to Scripture

When God’s people are fed God’s word, the church grows in health and vitality, Christians grow in their relationship with God, and the Gospel is preached. As a church, we are firmly rooted in the Truth of God’s Word. This means we teach what the Bible teaches and are committed to the doctrine of Sola Scriptura, “Scripture alone”.

If you are seeking truth or looking for a church home that’s firmly rooted in the Truth of God’s Word, you are invited to check out Evident Church.



Our ongoing Men’s Bible Study is open to all men ages 18 and up. We will be discussing important issues that men face, learn what being a Godly man is all about, and building each other up through the word and prayer. Bring your Bible and get ready to be sharpened! 

WED | 7:00pm - 8:30pm | @ EVIDENT CHURCH

Ladies’ Bible Study

Our Ladies’ Bible Study is open to all women ages 18 and up. We will be discussing important issues that women face, learn what being a Godly woman is all about, and building each other up through the word and prayer. Bring your Bibles!



Evident Student Ministry is for all students in 6th-12th grade. Each week we study the word of God in a way that students can understand and apply it to their lives, break out into small group discussions to dive deeper into the weekly lessons, and have loads of fun along the way. Hope to see you there!

WED | 6:30pm - 8:30pm | @ EVIDENT CHURCH



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In Proverbs, chapter 8 God lifts before us a brightly positive worldview. God is giving us defense strategies for moments of temptation. But he is also giving us a whole new way of seeing everything. God-centered wholeness of life is wisdom, and it is joyous. That is what Proverbs 8 is about, the joyous grandeur of Christ, relevant to all of life, with higher aims and richer rewards than we would otherwise even contemplate.

Proverbs 8:1-36

The Blessings of Wisdom


PROVERBS 6:20-7:27 | The Foolishness of Fooling Around

The Wise Counselor counsels us again about our sexuality. Why? How much difference can our lives make to him? Augustine asked God, "What am I to you that you command me to love you, and that, if I fail to love you, you are angry with me and threaten me with vast miseries?"' Especially in our manhood and womanhood, such an earthy aspect of our existence, why does God care so much?

PROVERBS 6:1-19 | Responsibility, Opportunity, & Integrity

Wisdom is to be sought and put to work. We do not come to church to fine-tune our own righteousness or to airbrush our appearances. We come because we want to grow and change. We want to know as much about God as He will tell us; we want to know as much about ourselves as He will tell us. We want His extreme grace for our extreme makeover, one step at a time

PROVERBS 5:1-23 | Warning Against Adultery

When temptation strikes, it's too late to ask for preventative advice. When desire is fully activated, people don't want advice; they want gratification. The best time to learn the dangers and foolishness of going after forbidden desires is long before the temptation arrives. Resistance is more effective when you have decided ahead of time what you must avoid.