Advent is the season where we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christ's arrival in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Each week of advent, we focus on a different theme. This week we focus on Love. Listen and study along as ElderDan Mayer and his family read from Matthew 22:37-39 and discuss the Love that God displays to us and how we can reflect that love to those around us.
Advent is the season where we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christ's arrival in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Each week of advent, we focus on a different theme. This week we focus on Joy. Listen and study along as Elder Nathan Tunison and his family read from Luke 2:7-11 and discuss the joy that comes only from God.
Advent is the season where we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christ's arrival in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Each week of advent, we focus on a different theme. This week we focus on Peace. Listen and study along as Pastor GJ Tesar and his family read from Philippians 4:4-9 and discuss the Peace that comes only from God.
Advent is the season where we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christ's arrival in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Each week of advent, we focus on a different theme. This first week we focus on Hope. Listen and study along as Pastor Josh Hossler and his family read from Romans 5:1-8 and discuss the hope we have in God.
This week Jason Clark, Member and Welcome Team Volunteer, shared Proverbs 13:12. He discusses the importance of abiding, seeking God and putting our hope in His will.
This week Aaron Caya, Member and Stewardship Team Volunteer, shared Proverbs 3:5-6. He discusses the importance of trust and submission in our walk with God so that he will make our path's straight.
This week Sean Smith, Member and Welcome Team Volunteer, shared Proverbs 27:17. He discusses the importance of being surrounded by other Godly believers so that we may be encouraged and sharpened in our faith and spiritual growth.
This week Dave Murray, Member and Evident Kids Volunteer, shared Proverbs 16:9. He discusses the importance of recognizing God's sovereign will and yielding our own plans and desires so that they are in alignment with His.
This week Steve Munger, Member and Volunteer, shared Proverbs 17:17 and challenges us to surround ourselves with godly friends and demonstrate Christ's love to those around us.
This week Jason Landis, Member and Guitarist, shared Proverbs 12:1 and discusses finding joy and comfort in God's discipline and not being stupid.
This week Leonard Nieman, Member and Stewardship Director, shared Proverbs 17:22 and discusses a truly joyful heart and its benefits.
This week Andrzej Leszczynski, Member and volunteer on our Welcome Team, shared Proverbs 15:29 and how it is a constant reminder for him of the importance of prayer.
This week Rob McCollister, Member and Bassist, shared Proverbs 27:1 and discussed how it helps keep his pride and desire for control in check and gives him comfort.
This week Pastor Josh Hossler, Lead Pastor and Elder shared Proverbs 15:22 and discusses the importance that seeking wise, God-fearing counsel has had on his life and ministry.
This week Glen Reed, Member and faithful servant in the church shared Proverbs 28:9 and the balance of being saved by grace but demonstrating love for God by obeying his commandments.
This week Aaron McDonald, Member and part of our Stewardship Team, shared Proverbs 27:8 and discusses the importance of a father's intentional and focused presence within the home.
As we study this summer through Proverbs, some of our men will be sharing their favorite Proverb and discussing the impact it has on their lives. This week Member and Worship Leader Nick Cleyman shared Proverbs 26:11-12 and discussed how it has impacted his view on sin.
Another Proverbs mini lesson. This week our Creative Arts Director, Cam Walters, shared Proverbs 16:20 and how we should be conscious of what we fill our minds with as well as the importance of sons learning from their father's teachings.
As we study this summer through Proverbs, some of our men will be sharing their favorite Proverb and discussing the impact it has on their lives. This week Member and Drummer Pat Paquin shared and discussed Proverbs 19:21 and how it's impacted his views on planning.
As we study this summer through Proverbs, some of our men will be sharing their favorite Proverb and discussing the impact it has on their lives. This week Elder Dan Mayer shared and discussed Proverbs 15:1 and the impact it’s had on communication in his relationships.
As we study this summer through Proverbs, some of our men will be sharing their favorite Proverb and discussing the impact it has on their lives. This week Elder Nathan Tunison shared and discussed Proverbs 22:6 and the impact is has had on his duty as a father.
As we study this summer through Proverbs, some of our men will be sharing their favorite Proverb and discussing the impact it has on their lives. This week Pastor and Elder GJ Tesar shared and briefly discussed Proverbs 30:7-8 and how he is challenged by it to intentionally seek God first everyday.
When God’s people are fed God’s word, the church grows in health and vitality, Christians grow in their relationship with God, and the Gospel is preached so that others come to know Christ in a saving way as well. As a church, we are firmly rooted in the Truth of God’s Word. This means we teach what the Bible teaches and are committed to the doctrine of Sola Scriptura, “Scripture alone”.
In this video (which we share at every membership class) Pastor Josh lays out the biblical model of the church that we see prescribed in scripture. As a church that believes in the truth of God's word, this is the model that we have chosen to adopt here at Evident Church.
On Sunday June 25th, Pastor Josh and GJ gave an evening course that addressed what the Bible has to say about human sexuality and identity. During this event, we also collected questions about this topic and provided biblical answers.