
Romans 6:1-4 | The Glory of the New Birth - Baptisms

One of the dangers of preaching salvation by grace alone is that it can be interpreted as license to do whatever one wishes. The Apostle Paul was well aware of this tendency, as we saw in 3:8 where he mentioned that some were slanderously reporting that he and his followers were saying, "Why not do evil that good may come?" Because of this type of misrepresentation, Paul was always on guard when he made a strong statement about grace. So when he said in 5:20b, "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more," he knew the worst would be made of it by some. He knew that a heretical logic would be applied: "Well, if sin brings more grace, let's sin!" He also knew such thinking was not only logical to some minds, it was also natural because sin has its "fleeting pleasures" (Hebrews 11:25). He knew, too, that sinning could even be twisted into a religious duty, because it provides an opportunity for God to give his grace and love and thus glorify himself. Even people who have claimed to be Christians have thought this. But we know this is twisted logic. As we’ll see in this week’s passage, we are made dead to sin and alive to God through Jesus Christ.

Worship Setlist

  • Even So Come

  • Revelation Song

  • Great I Am,

  • Amazing Grace


Romans 6:5-14 | It’s Time to Kill Sin


Romans 5:12-21 | Death in Adam, Life in Christ