
Proverbs 18:24 | What Proverbs Says about Friends & Relationships

Wisdom is when we outgrow our misconceptions about how life should work, and we learn how God actually built life to work, and work well. That takes us way beyond petty rule-keeping. Something deeper happens. God's wisdom enters our hearts and changes us within, so that as we grow, we know intuitively what to do and what not to do, what will work and what won't. Wisdom is skill for living when there is no obvious rule to go by. That is what the book of Proverbs is for—gospel wisdom for complicated lives. A major area where wisdom helps us is friendship. So much is at stake in our friendships. God has wisdom for us today about real friendship. But it all begins with God himself.

Worship Setlist

  • I Thank God

  • One and Only Jesus

  • God Really Loves Us

  • Goodness of God

  • Run to the Father


Proverbs 21:5 | What Proverbs Says about Money, Riches, & Poverty


Proverbs 15:1 | What Proverbs Says about Emotions & Anger