
Proverbs 3:13-35 | The Blessing of Walking in Wisdom

Proverbs contains many strong statements about wisdom's many benefits, including long life, wealth, honor, and peace. If you aren't experiencing these benefits, does this mean you are short on wisdom? Not necessarily. Instead of guarantees, proverbs give general principles to make us think and reevaluate what we are doing. They are not written to be infallible promises. In a perfect world, wise behavior would always lead to these benefits. Even in our troubled world, living wisely usually results in obvious blessings—but not always. Sometimes sin intervenes, and some blessings will be delayed until Jesus returns to establish his eternal kingdom. That is why we must "live by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7). But we can be sure that wisdom will ultimately lead to blessing.

Worship Setlist

  • Jesus I Come

  • Came to My Rescue

  • The Blessing

  • Holy, Holy, Holy

  • Here's My Heart


Proverbs 4:1-27 | Get Wisdom at Any Cost


Proverbs 3:9-12 | Honoring God at the Extremes