
Proverbs 15:1 | What Proverbs Says about Emotions & Anger

What do we do with our emotions? The book of Proverbs does not leave us hanging when it comes to wisdom and coaching in regards to our emotions. The Stoics wrongly believed we could ignore and distance ourselves from emotion, an ideal they called in Greek απάθεια (“apátheia”), which is where we get our English word “apathy”. God created us as emotional beings. God Himself is the author of emotion and expresses emotion. Jesus expressed and felt all of the emotions. Emotions are not a sin and are not the problem. The problem is we don’t know what to do with them. Join us Sunday for a message from the book of Proverbs about what do to do with our emotions and specifically the emotion of anger.

Worship Setlist

  • Speak to the Mountains

  • Graves into Gardens

  • Cornerstone

  • How Great Thou Art

  • Revelation Song


Proverbs 18:24 | What Proverbs Says about Friends & Relationships


Proverbs 11:2 | What Proverbs Says about Humility & Pride