
1 Corinthians 13:1-13 | The True Nature of Love

First Corinthians 13 may be one of the most written about, talked about, and preached on passages of Scripture that the apostle Paul wrote. In it, a particular Greek word for love, “agape”, is used ten times. While some have suggested this is an early version of a Christian hymn or perhaps a stand-alone, independently composed chapter on love, it is clear within the context this chapter is an integral part of a discussion Paul is giving on spiritual gifts and worship in the church. In the context of all of Paul's writings concerning the Holy Spirit, certainly one principle we can derive from this chapter is that the fruit of the Spirit, namely love, is more important than the gifts of the Spirit. No spiritual gift, no natural ability, no human achievement is greater or more important than love.

Worship Setlist:

  • Psalm 42 (Loudest Praise)

  • My Heart is Yours

  • Psalm 90

  • More Like Jesus

  • Doxology


1 Corinthians 14:1-25 | The Gift of Tongues Explained


1 Corinthians 12:12-31 | The Beauty of the Church