
1 Corinthians 14:1-25 | The Gift of Tongues Explained

Dealing with the subject of I Corinthians 14 relative to speaking in tongues is akin to handling spiritual nitroglycerin: one false move and everything can blow up! No biblical subject, in fact, has caused more consternation, fueled more debates, ignited more arguments, or divided more churches, perhaps, than the subject that is likely properly termed glossolalia. The difficulty is immediately signaled when one realizes that, unlike in the case of any other spiritual gift, one entire chapter of the New Testament is devoted to discussing it. Wherever you lands on the issue of “tongues” we must realize the goal of our gifts and our gatherings is always to build up the body.

Worship Setlist:

  • Graves Into Gardens

  • King of My Heart

  • Holy Spirit

  • Build Your Church


1 Corinthians 14:26-40 | The Proper Use of the Gifts


1 Corinthians 13:1-13 | The True Nature of Love