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  • Evident Church | Biblical Church Leadership
    • 8/10/23

    Evident Church | Biblical Church Leadership

    In this video (which we share at every membership class) Pastor Josh lays out the biblical model of the church that we see prescribed in scripture. As a church that believes in the truth of God's word, this is the model that we have chosen to adopt here at Evident Church.

  • Evident Church | Firmly Rooted In The Truth
    • 9/27/23

    Evident Church | Firmly Rooted In The Truth

    When God’s people are fed God’s word, the church grows in health and vitality, Christians grow in their relationship with God, and the Gospel is preached so that others come to know Christ in a saving way as well. As a church, we are firmly rooted in the Truth of God’s Word. This means we teach what the Bible teaches and are committed to the doctrine of Sola Scriptura, “Scripture alone”.