
Romans 6:5-14 | It’s Time to Kill Sin

What is baptism and what does it symbolize? Baptism is a reminder that we have been buried with Christ in His death, and we have been raised to new life in Christ. We must never forget that baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. Going under the water in baptism is symbolic of our death to sin. Coming up out of the water is symbolic of our being made new in Christ and this is the newness of life in which we are to walk. We are not longer to live according to the flesh and it’s desires. We belong to Christ and are to live according to His desires and commands. Baptism isn’t the object. Baptism is a symbol of the object. The object is death to sin and being made alive to God in Jesus Christ. That’s the reality. Now, we have been associated with Christi in His death and resurrection, we are to walk in that newness of life.

Worship Setlist

  • Take You At Your Word

  • Death Was Arrested

  • Rooftops

  • Goodness of God

  • All Creatures of Our God and King


Romans 6:15-23 | We Belong to Jesus Christ


Romans 6:1-4 | The Glory of the New Birth - Baptisms