
Romans 5:1-5 | The Peace that Justification Brings

Suffering is one of the most misunderstood phenomena in the Christian church. When we suffer, we look for ways to avoid it. Perhaps our prayers even betray this desire when we do not know how to pray: Do we pray for a person's suffering to end or for strength in the midst of continued suffering? We wage this battle in our hearts and minds because we find a teaching in Scripture that runs contrary to the very fiber of our being. What is that teaching? To rejoice in suffering. How is it possible to rejoice in suffering? Moreover, how is it possible to view suffering as a fruit of our justification? If we are saved and pardoned from sin, then should we not be delivered from all forms of suffering? Yes, sometimes our suffering is the result of our own sin and foolishness—the consequences of our rebellion. But what about those times when we can detect no blatant rebellion? Is God simply making us suffer because we deserve it? No, rather, suffering is an opportunity to glorify God. Paul explains the reason why God calls us to suffer, and he tells us that we do not suffer alone.

Worship Setlist

  • God is Able

  • Blessed Be Your Name

  • You've Already Won

  • Unto Him

  • Overcome


Romans 5:6-11 | God’s Love for Sinners


Romans 4:13-25 | Justified by Faith (Sola Fide pt 2) 9:15AM