1 Corinthians 11:2-16 | Gender and Head Coverings in the Church
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 can be a very confusing passage to our modern ears. Head coverings? Angels? This passage marks a thought transition in the letter to the Corinthian believers. Paul has been talking about how the members of the church were to exercise their rights and liberties in the world - outside of the context of worship. Now Paul begins to talk about how the members of the church should exercise their rights and liberties within the church - in the context of worship. There is a shift from the life of the church in the world to the life of the church in the church. In chapters 11-14 Paul addresses a number of different issues in the life of the church such as head coverings, the Lord's Supper, spiritual gifts, prophecy and tongues, and orderly worship.
Worship Setlist:
King of My Heart
Unto Him (Jude 24-25)
Here's My Heart
Holy, Holy, Holy