
Romans 4:13-25 | Justified by Faith (Sola Fide pt 2) 11:00AM

The irrepressible heart of fallen man needs repeated and constant reminders about his sin-stricken condition. In the previous chapters, Paul addressed the sinfulness of humanity, the impossibility of justification by obedience to the law, and the antithesis between law and gospel in justification. He continues to address these points in this section of chapter 4, but he does so by emphasizing the all-powerful nature of God's life-giving verdict in our justification. To highlight the ineffectiveness of works-righteousness, Paul returns to the life of Abraham to show how the great patriarch's justification was another manifestation of God's creative word. Just as God called worlds into existence by the power of His word, so God gave life to Abraham when He declared him righteous. Paul explains the power of justification by faith alone in Christ alone but also reminds the recipients of his letter that what happened to Abraham is still relevant for people in first-century Rome. Moreover, as we will also see, Paul's words about Abraham are vital for people in every age.

Worship Set

  • Away in a Manger

  • What a Beautiful Name

  • Hark the Herald Angels Sing

  • Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

  • Nothing But the Blood


Romans 5:1-5 | The Peace that Justification Brings


Romans 4:13-25 | Justified by Faith (Sola Fide pt 2) 9:15AM