• Philippians 4:4-7 | "The Promise of Prayer"
    • 5/14/23

    Philippians 4:4-7 | "The Promise of Prayer"

    Anxious? Frustrated? Stressed? Often we turn to the things of this world when the solution is right there in His Word - Prayer. As we come to God in prayer, presenting our requests to Him, He promises us peace, guarding our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

  • Acts 4:1-4, 23-31 | "The Power of Prayer"
    • 5/7/23

    Acts 4:1-4, 23-31 | "The Power of Prayer"

    The early church was so powerful! Unfortunately many Christians and many churches today are not. What was it they had that we don’t? What are we missing that we need to reclaim? It’s clear, the early church prayed! This week we consider the power present in the early church as well as today in the life of believers through the power of prayer.

  • Matthew 6:9-13 & Luke 11:1 | "The Path of Prayer"
    • 4/30/23

    Matthew 6:9-13 & Luke 11:1 | "The Path of Prayer"

    Have you ever struggled knowing how to pray? You’re not alone! Luke 11:1 tells us that Jesus’ disciples said, “Lord, teach us to pray!” This tells us that while prayer is essential it does’’t mean it will be easy or come naturally. It’s something we need to learn and can learn.

  • Mark 11:15-19 & John 15:1-8 | "The Priority of Prayer"
    • 4/23/23

    Mark 11:15-19 & John 15:1-8 | "The Priority of Prayer"

    Yesterday we launched a new series on the purpose and priority of prayer! There are few who would deny the importance of prayer. The real question becomes how many of us are convinced that prayer is the greatest power? We must become convinced that without prayer we’re dead! If you need to grow in and be transformed by prayer, then hear what God's Word teaches on Prayer.