
Psalm 22 | "A Theology of Suffering"

David is once again crying out to God for help. He is being opposed and ridiculed on all sides. To David it seems as though God is far off, unconcerned, and uninvolved in his plight. He then begins to recount God's faithfulness throughout time, as though contrasting or maybe even complaining about what he is currently experiencing. In one paragraph he complains about his circumstances and then in the next applauds God's faithfulness. We've all been there, haven't we? You can almost sense the attitude and emotional changes as he writes. No more complaining, no more detailing of his troubles, but an obvious upward movement regarding the true nature and activity of his God. David has chosen to set his mind, heart, and soul on what he knows to be true about God instead of how he might be feeling mentally or emotionally.

Worship Setlist:

  • Faithful Now

  • Way Maker

  • Came to My Rescue

  • It Is Well With My Soul

  • Always


Psalm 23 | "The Perfect Shepherd for Imperfect Sheep"


Psalm 19 | "No Excuses"