
3 John 5-10 | Don't Be Like Diotrephes

As we learned last week, our greatest joy comes from caring for others the way God has cared for us. This fellowship in God’s family requires that we don’t only think of ourselves but we’re also always thinking of others. Selfishness is one of the greatest obstacles to taking care of other people’s needs. By caring for others, we get to participate in their lives and the overarching story of what God is doing in and through His family. Join us Sunday as we consider what it means to mirror the hospitality of God, care for each other well, glory in being part of God’s family, and what things might get in the way of this.

Worship Setlist

  • The Way

  • Good Grace

  • Came To My Rescue

  • How Great Thou Art

  • All Creatures of our God and King


3 John 11-15 | The Proof You’ve Seen God


3 John 1-4 | The Gift of Hospitality