Becoming a Member

What Is “MEaningful Membership”?

The term “member” can often be viewed as someone who gets special rights/privileges because of their belonging to a certain group. Though there are definitely privileges of being a member at Evident Church, we believe that being a member here is so much more than focusing on what we can get, and shifting our focus on what can we give. Meaningful membership is about commitment to our relationship with God, each other (his body), and our community. Through these three main relationships, we strive to make membership meaningful through:

  • Keeping God central in all we do.

  • Fighting for unity and against divisiveness. 

  • Balancing truth and grace, from top to bottom and vise versa, we must challenge each other to grow. 

  • Using our gifts and abilities to serve both our church and our community. 

It’s our hope that as we strive to lean into the mission God has for us here at Evident, that being a member here is every part of ‘meaningful’, and that the kingdom impact we are able to have is multiplied by every new member. 

To further help our understanding of why membership is important, we have a free resource in our lobby: a book called ‘Why Should I Join a Church?” by Mark Dever. Pick up your copy today!


Step 1 - Class 1
Our member class has two sessions that you will sign up for at the same time. Step 1 happens at the church typically on a Tuesday evening from 6:30-8pm. In this class we dive into the basics of our faith and explore two main questions - “What is a Christian?” and “What is a Church?”

Step 2 - Class 2
The second Member Class happens in one of our leaders’ homes while we share a meal and finish the class material typically on a Sunday evening 5-7pm. This is done to help model what being a family is in a more intimate setting while also allowing us to dive into our third and final topic of the member classes - “What is a Church Member?”

Step 3 - Application and Interview

After you have completed Step 1, you can fill out our Member Application. The application goes over some of our core beliefs, expectations of members, and gives you a chance to share some of your story. From there, we will have you schedule an interview between you and two of our elders for a chance to go over the application, continue to get to know each other better, and go over any further questions before we proceed. 

Membership FAQ’s

We’re excited for what God is going to do through this! Contact Pastor GJ with any questions.

  • These can be taken in any order you choose. However, we HIGHLY recommend taking them in order 1-4.

  • No, this is offered free of charge.

    With that said, Pastor GJ won’t turn down a Spicy Chicken Sandwich from Popeyes…


  • Yes.

    Supporting Scripture

    Recommended Readings:

    • What Is A Healthy Church? - Mark Dever

    • Church Membership - Jonathan Leeman